Vision, Mission, Values

Our vision, mission and values give us the framework to live faithfully into the unique calling that God has placed on our lives as we begin this organization.  There are always going to be more needs than any one organization can meet, so these help us to know what God is calling us to do as we serve the people of Swaziland.


Where are we going?

Our vision is to see healthy Swazi churches taking care of and reaching their own communities.


What are we going to do to make the vision happen?

Our mission is to show and tell the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Swaziland through mobilizing churches and engaging the lost.


How are we Going to Live it out?

  • By Serving Incarnationally
  • By Being Led By Indigenous Leadership
  • By Seeking Holistic Care and Transformation
  • By Striving to be Gospel- centered & Biblical
  • By Living Sacrificially